Simultaneous with Vendtra: The digital online trade fair
Those who can't make it to Munich can still be there and get to know h all the innovations + trends, and of course make contact. Vendtra Twins is the digital online trade fair for the vending and coffee industry that simply works. Participation is free of charge via online registration. All Vendtra exhibitors are also present at Vendtra Twins. Twins offers a good overview, videos, news, downloads and direct contact. Vendtra Twins is also the most up-to-date database when it comes to brochures or pictures, logos of the manufacturers - which you can use for your own website for updating. Experience the digital trade fair world in a relaxed way on your computer, pad or mobile phone and stay on the ball. Vendtra Twins is the industry's spring and fall trend meeting.
Dates 2025
Already the 7th digital trade fair for the vending and coffee industry in Germany: at the same time as the Vendtra trade fair in Munich. Those who can't find time for a real trade fair visit in Munich can participate in the online trade fair Vendtra Twins daily from 10:00 - 17:00. Relaxed from the desk, the workbench, not to miss anything. A trade fair service that cannot be taken for granted, but for us it is a claim.
Manufacturers provide live information on trends, innovations, opportunities and give their assessments of the market and market issues. Practitioners can get an ideal overview, ask questions live and thus optimally decide or adapt their own company strategy for the current year.
Those who know the background are on the safe side. With live information from manufacturers, entrepreneurs - but also technicians, fillers or service staff - learn more about products and solutions. Vendtra Twins offers know-how at the same time. Compared internationally, Vendtra offers an all-round solution with Vendtra Twins.

A lot is promised. Our online solution works solidly via a German IT company and has been field-tested for 6 years now. Whether on the road, in the office or in the warehouse. Vendtra Twins is accessible online with all current tools: via computer, tablets/pads, smartphone...
Manufacturers show their products and services in a performance show, offer product videos, special discounts and download options for more knowledge or for the integration of text and image data for their own advertising material or for updating their own operator website. Also, many are available live in person to maintain dialogue, answer questions. With whitecards, industry participants can signal their interest in manufacturers' own events or training courses. Several digital tools for the industry to get ahead.

Benefit: Vendtra Twins is the most up-to-date database in the industry on both days. If you need images, brochures or logos from manufacturers for your advertising or to update your website, you can download them directly. A service that is unique.
Know how for the entire company
Participation in the Digital Online Festival is free of charge. Visitor participation is not limited to company names; every employee of a company can take part. In addition to the management, service employees, fillers or technicians can register, get an overview of current trends, solutions or technical details themselves - and take part in live presentations. Know-how transfer individually - or as a whole team.